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Superhero Tea

Writer's picture: Paul R.S. HannaPaul R.S. Hanna

It’s a superhero culture hooked on superhero tea.

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a dream of great we. Come now, superheroes, see.

We eat on superhero sofas, drink T superhero V.

No more superhero men, all bow to superhero she.

Our not so super jobs pay not a superhero’s fee,

yet we need no superheroes; we’re so superhero free.

What superhero power do I superhero nee’ ?

How powerful must I come be vers’ superhero thee?

My superpower? Bourgeoisie. I choose my own reality.

I’m a superhero, can’t you see? Salvation can’t be binary.

Our superheroes cannot be unless supervillains make you flee.

New enemies we’ll find with glee. Try some super fruit from this old tree.

When our superhero’s name starts not with  superhero G,

why should my superhero savior not be superhero me?

Beware superhero leaf and sip not superhero tea,

lest our superhero be not the sole savior ‘sus of Je.

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